중고 오실로 DHO924S > 기타 계측기

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중고 오실로 DHO924S > 기타 계측기

중고 오실로 DHO924S 요약정보 및 구매

E&I LO-Z Locked-On 시리즈 전환 가능 임피던스 정합 변압기는 초음파, 변환기 및 실험실 응용 분야에 유용합니다. ㅍ

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상품 기본설명

E&I LO-Z Locked-On 시리즈 전환 가능 임피던스 정합 변압기는 초음파, 변환기 및 실험실 응용 분야에 유용합니다. ㅍ

상품 상세설명


구입 및 문의 : 010-4221-0660

Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (4 Channels / 250 MHz) with 25MHz AFG

The DHO900 series is RIGOL's latest high-performance, economical digital oscilloscope. Though compact in design, it offers superior performance with a capture rate up to 1,000,000 wfms/s (in UltraAcquire Mode), 50 Mpts memory depth, 12 bits resolution, and low noise.

Rigol offers four versions of its DHO900 series, with analog bandwidth of 125 or 250 MHz, and the option for a 25MHz single channel arbitrary function generator and bode plot analysis.

ModelAnalog Ch.Analog BWFunction gen.Bode plot
DHO9144125 MHzNoNo
DHO914S4125 MHzYesYes
DHO9244250 MHzNoNo
DHO924S4250 MHzYesYes

16 digital channels

The DHO900 series supports 16 digital channels. One instrument can make an analysis on both analog and digital signals to meet embedded design and test scenarios. With an affordable price equivalent to purchasing an entry-level instrument, you can access auto serial and parallel bus analysis, bode plot analysis, and other functions to meet testing demands in the R&D, education, and scientific research fields.

Please note, use of the digital channels requires the optional PLA2216 logic probe.

Arbitrary function generator (DHO914S and DHO924S only)

The DHO914S and DHO924S include a single channel, 25MHz arbitrary function generator. It features a sample rate of 156MSa/s, 14-bit vertical resolution, and outputs the following standard waveforms: sine, square, ramp, DC, noise, and also supports user-defined waveforms.

This integrates the signal source and the oscilloscope into one, providing great convenience for engineers who need to use the signal source and oscilloscope at the same time.


Bode plot (DHO914S and DHO924S only)

Bode plot is a way of graphically displaying the frequency response of a system. In the switch power supply and operational amplifier's circuit feedback network, the Bode plot provides the curves displaying the variation of gain and phase with the frequency for a loop analysis. Through the analysis on the system's gain and phase margins, you can determine the stability of the system.

With the built-in signal generator module, the DHO914S and DHO924S generate the sweep signal of a specified frequency range and outputs to the switch power supply circuit under test. Then, the oscilloscope draws a Bode plot displaying the variation of phase and gain with different frequencies.


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